Sunday, September 02, 2007

Some truths about love...

Amado Nervo is one of my favorite Mexican poets. In 2003, I emailed the Spanish version of "En Paz" (At Peace) to a former partner of mine. Painfully, my ex never understood what the poem meant to me. But as I was backing up my laptop, I came across the transcript of a conversation I had with a very good friend of mine who made this comment:

"Amado Nervo wasn't that smart when talking about love. People love you the way they want to love you, the way they CAN love you [as in, the way they are capable of loving you] and the way they KNOW how to love. People will never be able to love you the way you need or want to be loved"

The more I reflect on this, the more I believe this is true. Having expectations of people only creates disappointments. But on the other hand, not having any expectations doesn't seem like the way to go either. What do you think?


tu.politóloga.favorita said...

Primero que nada, perdón por escribir en español pero el inglés y yo no somos tan amigos.
Yo creo que el comentario de tu amigo es muy atinado.
Cuando dos personas están lejos, idealizarse es la solución perfecta para sentirse cerca. En cambio cuando conviven frecuentemente eso sólo lleva a malentendidos. No tenemos los mismos huecos que llenar ni los mimos métodos para hacerlo. Creer que sí es un craso, craso error.

ElGato said...

Nada mas atinado que este comentario....pero es que yo no soy romantica, soy mas bien practica y segun mis hermanas veo la vida en blanco y negro. Claro que si uno dice lo que uno quiere pues eso tambien ayuda, no???

Raul said...

Totally true, politologa favorita and elgatito. I actually have used exactly your reasoning in my conversations with friends, politologa. It was really easy to miss me when I wasn't in Canada, and really easy to love me. Now that I am back here, it's not as easy as it seems.

Thanks for the commentary!