Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cosmopolitanism in Vancouver

It seems like the topic of diversity, immigration and cosmopolitanism just doesn't want to go away, it keeps chasing me! I just came across a nifty website (one of perhaps many that I am not aware of) that actually showcases the multicultural diversity that we have in Vancouver. The Source newspaper, as cited on their website:

...finds its raison d'etre in the cosmopolitan character of Vancouver and intends to focus closely on the news of the various communities which make up our cultural mosaic.

I read a piece they wrote on the seven wonders of Vancouver, which (according to a survey cited by author Amelia Pourian) are:
  • Stanley Park
  • Grouse Mountain
  • Robson Street
  • The international cuisine
  • The sea wall
  • The Vancouver Art Gallery and
  • English Bay

Hmmm... This is worth discussing. I personally enjoy Deep Cove enormously (and since Grouse Mountain is considered still Vancouver, my preference is valid!). I wouldn't mind calling Gastown one of the seven wonders. What do you, dear readers, think?

PS - I should really try to learn how to insert code for polls. That would make this more fun.


Miss 604 said...

I could help you out with the whole polls thing if you like :)

Stanley Park, yes
Grouse Mtn, yes
Robson Street? HAHAHAHA NOOO!!!
The Sea Wall, uh yes so please fix it now!
The VAG, sure
English Bay... hm I can think of about 5 other beaches/places that are much less crowded and offer spectacular sunsets.

José Luis said...


Te leí por ahí en el blog de "la politóloga" andando aquí y allá.

Aquí va mi comentario:

Desafortunadamente no tengo el gusto de conocer Canadá, pero me parece absurda la sietemaravillasmanía que se ha desatado por todo el mundo.

Acá en México el tema adquirió un tinte comercial muy sucio: las empresas televisoras que reinan el País se dieron a la tarea de buscar las maravillas por su cuenta, claro, con el Dios raiting de por medio. Resultó una de cosas!!! que las maravillas hechas por el hombre, que las maravillas naturales... bla bla bla.

Me asquea saber que se den el lujo de perder el tiempo en trivialidades. La belleza es subjetiva, lo que para mí es hermoso, para otro resulta repugnante.

La maravilla del mundo somos nosotros: observen la manera tan perfecta en que está diseñado nuestro cuerpo, según sus capacidades. Y dirán: de manera que insipra temor estamos maraviollosamente hechos.

Buena salud a todos.